US Zip Code API

The US Zip Code API, which encompasses multiple endpoints, supplies an enhanced JSON-formatted data model for United States zip code information. Employing REST design principles, this versatile API enables you to integrate essential functionalities like zip code validations, city searches, distance calculations, radius searches, and more into your applications. 

Explore the capabilities of the US Zip Code API


    "links": {
        "self": ""
    "meta": {
        "count": 1
    "data": {
        "zipCode": "90210",
        "uspsMainCityKey": "Z20259",
        "uspsMainCityName": "BEVERLY HILLS",
        "titleCaseCityName": "Beverly Hills",
        "zipClassificationCode": "N",
        "zipClassificationDesc": "Non-Unique Zip",
        "uspsFacilityCode": "P",
        "uspsFacilityName": "Post Office",
        "uspsCityMailingInd": true,
        "uspsDeliveryCode": "Y",
        "uspsDeliveryDesc": "Office Has City-Delivery Carrier Routes",
        "uspsCarrierRouteSortCode": "B",
        "uspsCarrierRouteRateSortDesc": "Carrier Route. Sortation/Rates. Apply-Merging Not Permitted",
        "uniqueZipNameInd": false,
        "uspsFinanceNumber": "050666",
        "stateCode": "CA",
        "stateName": "California",
        "stateFipsCode": "06",
        "stateAbbr": "Calif.",
        "countyFipsCode": "037",
        "uspsCountyName": "LOS ANGELES",
        "titleCaseCountyName": "Los Angeles",
        "latitude": 34.100517,
        "longitude": -118.41463,
        "landAreaMi2": 10.125,
        "waterAreaMi2": 0.059,
        "landAreaKm2": 26.22277,
        "waterAreaKm2": 0.153478,
        "divisionCode": "9",
        "divisionName": "Pacific Division",
        "regionCode": "4",
        "regionName": "West Region",
        "msaCode": "31080",
        "msaName": "Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA Metro Area",
        "cityAliases": [
                "uspsCityKey": "Z20259",
                "uspsCityName": "BEVERLY HILLS",
                "titleCaseCityName": "Beverly Hills",
                "uspsCityAbbr": null,
                "uspsCityMailingInd": true,
                "uspsMainCityInd": true
        "zipCodeStatistics": [
                "year": 2000,
                "totalPopulation": 21396,
                "malePopulation": 10061,
                "femalePopulation": 11335
                "year": 2010,
                "totalPopulation": 21741,
                "malePopulation": 10292,
                "femalePopulation": 11449
                "year": 2020,
                "totalPopulation": 21134,
                "malePopulation": 10099,
                "femalePopulation": 11035

Last Zip Update: March 2025


Introducing the new zip code dataset IRS Statistics of Income !

Over 160 income and tax statistical attributes by zip code including:

  1. Number of returns
  2. Number of personal exemptions
  3. Adjusted Gross Income
  4. Wages and Salaries
  5. And much more...

See the Full Schema

US Zip Code API Features

USPS Official Zip Database

Official USPS code values and descriptions for zip code data. Updated every month.

Census Bureau Gazetteer Files

U.S. Gazetteer Files provide a listing of all geographic areas for zip codes.

Census Bureau Decennial Census

The decennial census provides population statistics every 10 years for the US.

U.S. Office of Management and Budget

Logical groupings for metropolitan statistical areas.

Federal Information Processing Series

Federal standardized codes to represent states, territories and county locations.


American National Standards Institute codes and descriptions.

Fast API Responses

Millisecond response times for Zip Code API calls.

Always Up to Date

The Zip Code database is updated monthly with the latest Zip Code changes from USPS (United States Postal Service).

JSON Responses

Well structured JSON responses with a very complete and enhanced data model for US (United States) zip codes. Includes fully decoded USPS data and US census information related to zip codes.

Great Documentation

Full API documentation for all endpoints with sample responses, code generators, github repository with code samples and blog articles with tutorials

Customer Support

Email support for free tier subscriptions and dedicated support for paid subscriptions.

Free to Try

We offer a free tier that allows you to try the full functionality of the zip code API.

End Points

This end point takes the 5 digit zip code in the endpoint path and returns all details for that zip code.
Example: Get the details for zip code 90210


Full documentation for end point with schema dictionary, samples and code generators: Get Zip Code

Returns a list of zip codes. Includes 16 query string parameters that can help you filter your search criteria.
Example: Get all zip codes in the state of Florida


Full documentation for end point with schema dictionary, samples and code generators: List all Zip Codes

Gets the distance (in miles and kilometers) between 2 zip codes passed as parameters. There are 2 mandatory query parameters (zipCode1 and zipCode2).
Example: Get distance between zip code 33009 and 33967 (returns distance in miles and kilometers)


Full documentation for end point with schema dictionary, samples and code generators: Distance Between 2 Zip Codes

Endpoint that returns the zip codes that fall within the specified radius of another zip code. The returned zip codes are sorted by distance.
Example: List all zip codes that fall in a file mile radius from zip code 90210


Full documentation for end point with schema dictionary, samples and code generators: Zip Code Radius

This end point lists all the Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas in the United States with the corresponding states and counties that make up the group.
Example: List all MSA groups (limit first 5 results)


Full documentation for end point with schema dictionary, samples and code generators: List All MSA Groups

Gets the details of a single Metropolitan Statistical Area code passed as a path parameter.
Example: Get details of MSA group 11580


Full documentation for end point with schema dictionary, samples and code generators: Get MSA Details

Individual Income Tax Statistics. ZIP Code data show selected income and tax items classified by Zip Code, and size of adjusted gross income. Data is based on individual income tax returns filed with the IRS and are available for Tax Years 2011 through 2021. Around 160 statistical attributes provided.


Full documentation for end point with schema dictionary, samples and code generators: Zip Code IRS Statistics of Income

Endpoint used to validate license key only. Returns 204 on Success. Simple way to test connection or ping zip code service. (License key passed on header of request)
Example: Validate license key


Full documentation for end point with schema dictionary, samples and code generators: Validate License Key


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